Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Two turntables and a microphone...

I've been playing Thy Dungeonman from the Homestar Runner webpage. That is such a fun(ny) game.

Thou shaketh it a little, and it feeleth alright.

Song of the Moment: Everclear - Santa Monica

Sunday, November 28, 2004

I'm a Smurf...

Smurf Name Generator

I'm Queasy Smurf.


Mysteries of Science... EXPLAINED!

Song of the Moment: Reel Big Fish - A Little Doubt Goes A Long Way

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope yours was just as good as mine.

Gobble gobble.

Song of the Moment: Adam Sandler - The Thanksgiving Song

Monday, November 22, 2004

I gots me a fetus....

I adopted a cute lil' Batman fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

Song of the Moment: Type O Negative - I Don't Wanna Be Me

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Grand Theftendo?

Here's the link.

Apparently, some people are trying to make a version of Grand Theft Auto III for the original Nintendo. That sounds like a pretty interesting, yet cool idea.

Song of the Moment: Everclear - I Will Buy You A New Life

Monday, November 15, 2004

I must have one...

Apparently it's a controller for the upcoming Gamecube game Resident Evil 4. Imagine playing against someone in Super Smash Bros. Melee. with one of those bad boys...

Speaking of games, looks like I'll be playing Halo 2 this weekend. My friend is inviting me and a few friends over so we can all play it. I'm really looking foward to it. For some reason, I can see myself clubbing a few people with my blaster...

Song of the Moment: Alice In Chains - Man In The Box

Sunday, November 14, 2004


Acorrding to the G4TechTV forums, my favorite TV show Unscrewed With Martin Sargent has been cancelled. Why? Unscrewed, X-Play, and The Screen Savers were the only shows on that network I enjoyed. Oh well. Hopefully Martin will come back to The Screen Savers again. Maybe he could replace Kevin's sidekick. God, I hate that guy.

Song of the Moment: Jet - Look What You've Done

Greatest. Site. Ever.


This has to be the greatest site ever made.

Song of the Moment: Reel Big Fish - Take On Me

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Ol' Dirty Bastard Passes Away

Ol' Dirty Bastard, a founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan, died of unknown causes on Saturday (November 13) in New York, according to his spokesperson. He was 35.

Sources close to the rapper (whose real name was Russell Tyrone Jones) said he had been complaining of chest pains earlier in the day, although no further details are available as of yet. ODB had been scheduled to perform with Wu-Tang at a concert in New Jersey on Friday night, but missed the show.

Another source reported that ODB arrived in the New York area on a flight from Denver at 10:30 p.m. Friday. He reportedly went to a Manhattan studio (having missed the concert), and collapsed within an hour of arriving there.

A statement was released Saturday evening by ODB's mother, Cherry Jones. "This evening, I received a phone call that is every mother's worst dream," she said. "My son, Russell Jones, passed away. To the public, he was known as Ol' Dirty Bastard, but to me, he was known as Rusty, the kindest, most generous soul on earth. I appreciate all the support and prayers that I have received. Russell was more than a rapper, he was a loving father, brother, uncle, and most of all, son."

Damon Dash, who signed ODB to Roc-A-Fella Records last fall, also released a statement. "All of us in the Roc-A-Fella family are shocked and saddened by the sudden and tragic death or our brother and friend," Dash said. "Russell inspired all of us with his spirit, wit and tremendous heart. He will be missed dearly, and our thoughts, prayers and deepest condolences go out to his wonderful family. The world has lost a great talent, but we mourn the loss of our friend."

Dirty, easily the most eccentric of the nine Wu-Tang Clan rappers (if not in all of hip-hop), showed promise as a solo artist, but was hindered by a long series of clashes with the law, which ranged from shoplifting to making terrorist threats.

The rapper, who also went by several unusual aliases (including Osirus, Joe Bannanas [sic], Dirt McGirt, Dirt Dog, Unique Ason and Big Baby Jesus), was released from prison last year. He had served a two-year term for parole violation and drug charges.

Courtesy of MTV.com


Song of the Moment: Everclear - Learning How To Smile

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

b0X0r5 4R3 fUn.

i'VE @lW@Y5 w4N+3D +O Po$T 4 bl09 En+rY WR1tT3n 0nlY 1n l33+ $p3@k. welL, h3R3 9035...


5On9 0f THe MOmEN+: NIRV4n4 - CoM3 45 j00 4Re

Monday, November 08, 2004

Money, MONEY!!!

Which Family Guy character are you?

I kind of wanted to be Quagmire... All right...

Song of the Moment: Run DMC - Peter Piper

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Lost Weekend... (Or... The Blog Entry Where TDK Begins to Review Games)

Damn has this weekend gone by fast. Want to know what made it go by fast? Playing the new WWE game SmackDown! VS RAW for the PlayStation 2. From what I've played so far, it's a pretty good game. I'm kind of disappointed that they never included the character Eugene. I'm also kind of disappointed with the Create-A-Wrestler mode. I swear, the cheekbones are so pointy, they look like they injected 50 cans of Botox into their faces. Regardless of the flaws I just mentioned, it's still a pretty good game.

Legends have their proper theme music
WWE Challenge Mode keeps the game more interesting
Commentary teams for each respective brand (Cole and Tazz for SmackDown!, and Ross and Lawler for RAW
Great in-game music by real licensed artists

Commentary can get boring
Small roster (NO EUGENE!)
Not that many legends

Final Score: 4/5

In addition to picking up SDVR, I also picked up Grand Theft Auto Advance for the Game Boy Advance. Wow... For a GBA game, it's pretty kick arse! Basically, it goes back to the classic "top-view" from the first three GTA games (1, 2, and London 1969). So far, the game play experience is fantastic. The controls for the game are incredibly smooth and really responsive. For such a small cartridge, it really packs quite a punch! Plus, this looks like this may just be the GBA's "Must-Own" app. Kudos to Rockstar Games and Digital Eclipse for making such a great game.

Great controls
Nice background music

There are a few glitches (Start a mission while in a car, and you can't move the car or get out)

Final Score: 5/5

GTA: SA (PS2), Halo 2 (Xbox), and Doom 3 (Xbox) are the next games I'll be reviewing whenever I get them.

Song of the Moment: Nena - 99 Luft Balloons

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush fucking won...

Armageddon people... Arma fucking geddon...

Song of the Moment: ARMAGEDDON!!!!

Pick up The Spine by They Might Be Giants!
WhatPulse Sig