Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Time Flies

It seems just like yesterday when I first began my journey with education. I'm never going to forget the days that I spent in kindergarten all the way to where I'm at now. I've made it all the way to 11th grade. One more year, and I'll be college bound. It's gonna be a heck of an adventure.

No matter what problem comes onto the my path for education, I'll manage to overcome it. That's just how I am.

Song of the Moment: A-Ha - The Sun Always Shines On TV

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Time to vent...

Warning: In this posting I will be using language I don't normally use (At least on thia blog...). If you are easily offended by swear words, please skip this blog post and go to the next. You have been warned.

Why has our society changed so much? Why do we always desire to view things like blood and gore? Sure there are plenty of people who don't, but there is just about the same size of people who enjoy it. A few minutes ago, I was on my way home with my mother when he had to stop on the highway. Hundreds of cars were piled up due to an accident about less than half a mile away. We then went through the detour. As we are driving through, I see a few cars stop and the people get out to see what happened. So I nonchalantly ignored this thinking "Oh, maybe they just want to see what happened, and then they'll go on". So we continued our way to the gas station. Five minutes later, drive back through where the cars were stoping to see 20-30+ cars stoping to view the carnage. I was somewhat disgusted, but still I ignored it like I did before. I then noticed that some people where actually viewing this as a photo oppurtunity. Yes, some people actually thought that someone mangled in a car accident was actually fucking exciting to look at. At person's life could have very well ended, and all of these assholes love it! I then saw a few jerk-offs videotaping the accident. Some of you may be saying, "TDK, maybe it was a TV news crew", and to that I say bullshit. These were the same kind of people who would be videotaping little Timmy's birthday party. These assholes probably popped in another tape an quickly started filming. Imagine if they did'nt switch the tape which contained Timmy's birthday party. That would be some pretty fucked up shit, eh? Iamgine seeing little Timmy smiling while he's opening up his present when all of a sudden it cuts to seeing a mangled man in a car wreck. That would'nt just scare the kid, it would fucking scar him for life.

Here's another thing that's been really pissing me off lately. The parents who accuse video games for being to violent for their kids. These are the parents who don't watch what their kids are doing. These are the mothers who just sit at home, drink wine, and read Redbook. These are the fathers who immediatly go to the bar following a long day at work and then come home late and beat up their kids and wife. They're parents who won't bother to spend five minutes with their kids.

What do you expect with society? It'll never change. No matter what anyone says. People think that if they snap their fingers, that everything will be just peachy. And again, to that I say bullshit. The human mind is a hard thing to comprehend. No one can understand it.

Album of the Moment: Rollins Band - Come In And Burn

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Dr Zaius, Dr. Zaius...

Over at YTMND.com I made a couple of pages. I thought you all might like them.

Breakin' 2: Zaius Boogaloo


Crab Vader

Lance Storm + Mini Dust = RATINGS!

Now I Don't Wanna...

Song of the Moment: The Killers - All These Things I've Done

Pick up The Spine by They Might Be Giants!
WhatPulse Sig