Sunday, September 05, 2004

No more Cone Zone... On Comedy Central at least....

This really sucks. I was looking forward to watching Conan Friday on
Comedy Central. Sadly Conan is no longer on Comedy Central. Instead,
it's replaced with reruns of "Reno 9/11!" and "Trigger
Happy TV
". While I don't mind Trigger Happy TV being on
Comedy Central, it just could be at another time. Maybe they could
replace one of the many airings of MadTV with Trigger
Happy TV
. No, they have to take Late Night away from me.
I myself am never able to watch Conan when it's on at 12:37 AM. I'm a
student. I have school. I need good grades. Looks like the only time I
can watch Conan is when it's on Fridays. Oh well. No use crying over
spilt milk...

Song of the Moment: Breaking Benjamin - So Cold


Blogger Peter said...

I honestly think you are a clone of me! You watch THE CONE ZONE!!! :) that one chick from Gilmore Girls was on there....Conan is 'Ice Cream Cone-a-licious!!'

Remember that one?? Well I can stay up and watch it..its on at 11:30ish here... :) not too late. Then Reno 9/11 isn't too good...Im not into stupid comedys. Honestly Late night is the greatest show that is on late ever! It is funny and ... I love it

By the way...Breaking Benjamin fricking rocks dude!! I was gonna buy one of their CD's. I have a various artists CD with a couple of their Songs on it :)

12:38 AM  
Blogger The Dork Knight said...

Hell, I just got finished watching Conan's new DVD. Excellent stuff. Very did I think that I'd ever see Abe Vigoda, John Tesh, and William Shatner on a bicycle built for three...

12:42 AM  
Blogger The Dork Knight said...

*Never not Very... Man, I'm a dumbass...

12:42 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

I was gonna buy the CD ... But all I could find was Triumph the Insult Comic Dog's DVD... I was pissed

12:49 AM  
Blogger The Dork Knight said...

The Triumph DVD is pretty good too.

12:54 AM  

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