Thursday, August 05, 2004

The winner, and NEW World Heavyweight Champion... RANDY ORTON!

I've been reading online that Chris Benoit will be dropping the World Heavyweight Title at SummerSlam. Even though I was strongly against WWE putting the WWE Title on JBL (I still somewhat am), I am not against the WWE giving Orton the World Heavyweight Title. Why? Even though he hasn’t been around in wrestling that long, I believe that he deserves the title. Orton CAN works a crowd into hating him. When Orton developed his persona of the "Legend Killer", he has slowly; buy surely made me a fan. When Orton spit in the face of my hero Mick Foley, I was extremely upset. However, when he did that, he cemented himself as a credible "Heel" (In wrestling lingo, it means bad guy). When Orton fought one-on-one with Mick at WWE Backlash following their three-on-two match at WrestleMania XX, it instantly became one of my all-time favorite matches. Foley may have lost, but Orton proved that he was worthy of someday becoming the World champion because of all the bumps he took. He did things like having Foley throw him off of the stage, and having him land on thumbtacks... Yes, you read that right. Thumbtacks. Believe me, those things are said to hurt like hell.

All in all, I believe that Orton could very well be the future of wrestling. Sure, Orton will never be as good a champion as Benoit, but he'll be pretty damn close.

Song of the Moment: Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Knock on Wood


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