Monday, April 18, 2005

Get Your Hands Off My 'Stache

I'm trying to grow a mustache. I've got a little stubble, but that's about it. Funny, I can easily grow sideburns, but I can grow a mustache.

I just began reading Douglas Adam's book The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Excellent stuff. Hopefully this will be adapted into a movie if The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy does well.

Speaking of the HHG2TG movie, I'm suprised that they only gave the character Zaphod one head. Oh well, I really don't mind. Plus the guy who plays him really fits the character.

And before I end this entry, I'd like to pass along a link to all of you. It is a petition for WWE to re-hire Matt Hardy. Even if you don't like pro wrestling, I insist that you sign this petition. Matt is a extremely gifted athlete, and it would be a shame if his talents are wasted.

Matt Hardy Petition

Song of the Moment: Pink Floyd - In The Flesh?


Blogger golfwidow said...

Zaphod has two heads. I saw both of them in the montage set to rock music at the end of the exclusive internet trailer.

6:16 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

It has been signed

6:38 PM  

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